Demands and Types of Plagiarism

Academic life is much tough for the students as much as it is required. To fulfill the requirements of every semester students have to work hard to meet the requirements in the best possible way. It is because certain academic activities are responsible for nourishing the grades of the students throughout the semester as most of the activities contain marks that are considered valuable in maintaining the grades until the end of the registered program. Writing activities are in every semester of the academics. Students have to face various academic writing activities in order to enhance their capabilities and skills throughout the procedure. During the process of writing, students have to face many issues and plagiarism is one of the most common and basic issues among students especially in the dissertation writing. Expert dissertation writers can help students in understanding the demands of custom dissertation writing.

What Is Plagiarism?

In simple words, plagiarism is considered as cheating. It occurs in the writing when students copy and paste the same ideas and the thoughts of some other author and show the same in their own writing as their own thoughts and ideas without giving the credit to the real author. It is not only about dissertation editing but it is highly required for every academic writing activity to be Plagiarism free. There are certain procedures that are the only way to avoid plagiarism while meeting the standards of writing at the same time.

Plagiarism is also considered as an illegal activity in one can be fined if found guilty of plagiarism in the writing. This is one of the reasons that authors prefer to copyright their writing.

How to Avoid Plagiarism?

Professional dissertation help can help students to avoid plagiarism in their writing. There are certain techniques and procedures that are must be followed throughout the procedure in order to achieve the desired results of Plagiarism free writing.  Students can easily learn these requirements and the procedures if they get the right direction to be followed. Let’s see some of the most basic considerations that are necessary to avoid plagiarism in writing.


 Every academic writing activity is dependent on the amount and quality of information used in the writing. It is essential for every writer to have complete knowledge about the specific topic. In order to complete your dissertation writing, you have to search for relevant information through various authentic sources. Using various reliable and relevant information in your writing supports the selected topic and makes your writing more authentic. To use the same information while avoiding plagiarism is to rephrase the required information into your own words. It is important to use the significant words while rephrasing so that the true meaning of the sentence would remain the same. Paraphrasing is the first step to avoid plagiarism in the dissertation writing.

Providing Citation

After rephrasing, it is important to provide the credit to the real author and the source from where you have selected the information to be used in your writing. After rephrasing you cannot claim the idea or information as your own. The main objective of the citation is to give the credit to the author by providing the name of the author and the publication of the provided information. Once you write the information in your own words make sure to mention the citation right after the provided information. If you don’t do so, it will be considered plagiarism and can lower the quality of the entire document.


References play an important role in avoiding plagiarism in writing. Most students confuse in differentiating between citation and the references. There are no such big differences between both of them but you can say that references are in more detail rather than a citation. Another difference is that citation is provided right after the information while the references are provided at the end of the document. The references include the name of the author, the year of Publication and the proper link of the source of the information so that reader could justify the authenticity of the provided information.

What Are The Types Of Plagiarism?

There are many types of plagiarism however, today we will discuss the top three basic types of plagiarism that students have to face in their dissertation and all other academic writing activities.

Direct Plagiarism

Direct Plagiarism is one of the most common types of plagiarism where the writer actually provides the idea & the thoughts of some other author without providing the attribution and the quotation marks that are must avoid the dissertation. It is considered as a deliberate act and an ethical way of using the information to support your topic. This what actually increases the amount of plagiarism in the writing and decreases the quality at the same time.


Self-Plagiarism is one of the types which occurs when you use your previous work to complete the new activity. You cannot even make the information into the new one to complete the required task as it will also result in plagiarism. However, you can use the previous work after the permission of the instructor.

Accidental plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism occurs unintentionally in the writing. Here the writer doesn’t intend to cheat but still gets the plagiarism in the writing. For example, it occurs when a person neglects to cite the source or use the same words while paraphrasing. This is one of the reasons that students are highly recommended to learn to cite the sources and to rephrase the information for better and plagiarism-free results.