Most of the courses that you will take in the university are courses which will require a dissertation in your final year. This is the same case with economic courses in the university. Although a dissertation may not be something that you are required to do, there might be some advantages to consider before making your decision.
Why should you do a dissertation in economics anyway?
Some of our certified writers, who specialise in the field of economics, have been asked this question so many times that they seem to have lost count. There are obviously some disadvantages to doing a dissertation in a subject as dense and complicated as economics, like being forced to read very complex papers which are often quite boring. But the upsides of doing a dissertation in economics is that it can open the door to more research opportunities in the future. Many firms are always looking for people who can conduct original research on new sub-fields of economics. So if you are someone with past experience in writing dissertations, then you are already a strong contender for research jobs.
So now that you have decided to actually start working, you might need some online dissertation help when you are trying to write. The major parts that you need to be concerned about are the title, introduction, literature review, adding economic models and theories, and your findings and evidence.
The Introduction
We cannot stress how important an introduction is for your dissertation. Writing your abstract is also a key part of your dissertation and we have noticed that students are constantly paying lesser and lesser attention to this part.
Put yourself in the shoes of a reader who is looking for articles to conduct research. Most readers do not spend the majority of their times slaving away behind a screen to try to understand what a particular paper is all about. These readers need to know what the paper is about and if they cannot find it quickly, then they move on to the next paper. From this point of view, a writer should be focused on making their introduction brief while mentioning some points clearly.
These points include briefly discussing why this topic is important and why you have chosen to write a dissertation on it.
Literature review
The second heading of importance is the literature review of your dissertation. Many writers find themselves stuck on this part and need dissertation help to get through it. A literature review is important because it emphasises on the past research and journals that you have taken reference from and summarises the information in them. You must show your professor that you have built upon previous theories and research in economics. This is so your professors are aware that your research adds to pre-existing knowledge and finds new conclusions based on it.
But how exactly are you supposed to go about creating a literature review? This involves reading a wide selection of journal articles and research papers that are relevant to your topic. Searching through databases with a focus on topic related keywords could be the ultimate way to find the most relevant research.
Economic models and theories
You must always remember that your dissertation is based on a particular theory or model of economics. This theory will be the focal point of all of your writing. Your dissertation will basically keep this theory at the center, and create a model based around it. The model can be something that you have seen in a particular textbook, or it could be an original idea.
(If you decide to borrow a model that has already been discussed, make sure you reference it properly)
After you have picked a particular model of theory, now is the time for analysis. Make sure that your analysis is more than skin deep and actually goes to the root of the problem. The majority of the word count in your dissertation should be used up in your analysis or criticism of the model you have chosen.
Your findings and recommendations
This is the final section of your dissertation that you need to worry about. It involves a wrapping up of all of the research and analysis that you have done so far. Your professors have read through your entire dissertation so far, and you do not want to lose them in the end with lengthy paragraphs so just keep it brief.
You should also make some recommendations or suggestions based on your research and analysis. This will help make the point you are making a lot stronger, as providing solutions to something is much harder than just pointing out flaws.
Editing and proofreading your dissertation is also a monster task which we have not addressed in this blog post. But if you ever find yourself in need of dissertation help for editing, proofreading or any of the above then you should contact Online Dissertation Writers ASAP.