11 Ways To Stay Motivated When Writing Your Dissertation

Writing a dissertation can be a very challenging task. Many students feel like they’ve lost in the quagmire when it comes to writing a dissertation. They start feeling completely drained and demotivated and they have no other option than to take help from online dissertation writers.

There is no doubt that when it comes to writing your dissertation, one of the hardest parts to get through is motivation. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially if this is your first time doing so much work on something that requires such a significant amount of time and effort.

But don’t worry—you’re not alone! The majority of students are just like you, struggling with their dissertation. To help you all, we’ve put together a list of things you can do to help yourself stay motivated when writing. So without any delay, let’s take a look at 11 ways to stay motivated when writing your dissertation!

Make A Plan Of Action

There are many ways to stay motivated when writing your dissertation. One of the most important things you can do is make a plan of action. So that you know exactly what needs to be done and how much time it will take.

  • Write down all of the key tasks you need to complete to finish your dissertation on time.
  • Keep an updated list of all of these tasks, and mark off each one as it’s completed. (e.g., “Finished chapter one, submitted chapter two”).
  • Use a calendar with due dates at intervals throughout the year so that each step toward completion is visible at once (e.g., “Monday: Write the first draft”).

Find A Convenient Place To Write

Writing your dissertation can be a daunting task, especially if you are doing it on your own. If possible, try to find a quiet place that has no distractions. In this way, you can get away from everything else around you and keep your focus on writing only. Try finding somewhere quiet like an empty office or library where there isn’t anyone else in sight.

If this doesn’t work out then try going somewhere with plenty of natural light such as sunlight coming through windows or skylights above them. These types of environments tend to make people feel more relaxed than ones with artificial lighting. You should feel comfortable and at ease in this place so that it becomes your own personal office/study room where you can write without any external influences or disturbances.

Find Which Technique Helps You In Writing

Another way to keep yourself writing is to find the right technique that helps you n writing. You may want to write at a certain time of day, or perhaps you prefer to write in a specific place. Maybe music helps get your creative juices flowing and makes writing easier. Or maybe it’s tea, coffee, and chocolate that keep you going!

Whatever the case may be for you personally, make sure whatever method works best for getting words onto paper is used regularly so it becomes habitual.

Follow a Schedule

When you’re writing your dissertation, it helps if you have a schedule and stick to it. This will help keep things on track and make sure that the work gets done in the right order. You can also use this time as an opportunity to learn more about what your supervisor or professor is looking for from their students. This could help you to understand how best you can structure your dissertation.

You can’t force yourself to write. But you can decide when is the best time for your dissertation. If you are never motivated enough or excited enough, then try writing in the morning or at night before going on with your day-to-day activities. You need to find a way of motivating yourself so that this becomes routine and not just a chore!

Identify What Demotivates You

To avoid demotivation, it’s important to identify what makes you lose interest. This can be a tricky thing because we all have our own personal triggers and it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what causes us to lose motivation. However, some common things tend to turn people off when they’re writing:

Destructive Criticism

Being told what they’re supposed to do in their heads. This is especially common among students who are used to being told what they need or don’t need for assignments. When someone tells them “You should do x” or “You shouldn’t do y,” it can make them feel like their own thoughts aren’t valid or valuable enough for others’ consideration. This makes them demotivated. So try avoiding this kind of feedback as much as possible!

Having Deadlines Set Too Early

Potential writers may feel pressured into meeting arbitrary deadlines before they feel comfortable with their topic choice/approach/etc. If deadlines aren’t realistic yet (and could change), then give yourself plenty of time before the deadline day arrives. So that if something goes wrong at any point along the way during the research or writing process, you have plenty of time o fix it. 

Set Deadlines and Stick to Them.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to set your own deadlines because you will be more motivated if you know that something is coming up soon and there’s less time for procrastination. Also, having an end date in mind helps keep the momentum going by giving yourself something to aim for each day.

It’s also important not to compare yourself with other people’s progress or accomplishments because you are unique! You have your own unique experience of life and writing processes. Take pride in what you’ve done so far rather than feeling bad about how much longer one person has taken their dissertation than you.

Make A Progress Chart

The thing that bothers them most is the thought that how much time and effort it will take to complete this task. To stay motivated, you might want to create a progress chart that tracks your writing time and output. This way you can see how much work has been done and keep track of where you are in the process. The charts below are just examples, feel free to make yours as fancy or simple as you like!

  • Write down each day’s date on the left side of your chart (or at least write down any dates that matter).
  • On the right side of your chart, write down how many words/pages were written each day. This is where you’ll keep track of our progress toward finishing your dissertation project!

Get Some Help

If you’re stuck and need help, then don’t hesitate to ask for it. There are a number of places where you can take help including nursing dissertation help UK.

Your Supervisor

You may be able to get some great advice for your dissertation if you take help from your supervisor. Or perhaps even assign another qualified student in the department to work with you on specific parts of the writing process.

Friends and Family

Your friends and family members might be willing to help you. You can ask them to read through drafts of your dissertation before submitting them back for corrections or editing. So they can give their feedback especially if they’ve already done some scholarly research themselves.

Reward Yourself

As you are probably aware, rewards can be a powerful motivator. In fact, studies show that people who receive rewards for completing tasks tend to do better than those who don’t get anything in return for their work. So why not use this knowledge to your advantage?

When you feel like giving up on writing your dissertation because it’s taking too long and seems overwhelming, reward yourself with something special. A movie night with friends or time away from the computer altogether. Maybe even an extra hour of sleep each day!

Whatever it is that makes your heart jump when you think about it will help keep things moving forward towards completion. Rewards should also be something that is within your means. So don’t go overboard with the rewards or feel like you have to spend money just to get them!

Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and don’t be afraid to try something new. If you’re writing a dissertation, chances are that you’ll come across some unfamiliar vocabulary or syntax that makes your head spin a little bit. Don’t worry! You can always ask someone for help if it’s too much for you.

Your supervisor may have suggestions for how to improve your work. Fellow students may have useful insights into the topic at hand. Even family members may offer their thoughts on certain parts of your project. It’s never too early or late in the game before asking others what they think about what we’ve written so far!

Stay Organised And Disciplined

Stay organized and disciplined can be a challenge for some people. But it’s necessary if you want to finish your dissertation. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Have a routine for writing. Try setting aside time each day or at the beginning of each week (or month) to write your dissertation, whether that’s in an hour or two sessions over multiple days/weeks.
  • Make sure you have a plan and know where you’re going before starting. So you won’t forget anything along the way. This will help prevent procrastination because if all else fails then there will always be something else waiting around which keeps you motivated.
  • Take care of your health because if you are healthy you can write a better dissertation. Don’t work too hard, and don’t work too little. The most important thing is to find the right balance between the two extremes. Working too much will lead to burnout. But working less than your maximum capacity won’t help you produce better results either.

End Note

As you can see, there are many ways to stay motivated when writing your dissertation. You should use these tips as a guide to help you in your research and writing process. Keep progressing!
